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A photo of Colleen, a tutor from University of Wisconsin-Madison


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Personal Statement as an Educator
My personal philosophy of education is based in life-long learning and a learner-centered approach.
I hope to inspire the learner to continue learning throughout their lifespan. Education is empowering and when we feel empowered, inspired and motivated, there is nothing we can't do. A thirst for knowledge can see us through the best and the worst of times.
My approach to education has always been learner-centered. It is not about what is taught, but what is learned. Seeing learners as individuals with lives beyond the educational setting is key. With education, we can see hardships as challenges with solutions that are yet to be found.

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Colleen’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Wisconsin-Madison - Master of Fine Arts, Photography

Graduate Degree: Carroll University - Masters in Education, Education


My absolute favorite thing to do is making photographs and learning about people. Travel allows me to do both. I also enjoy computer graphics, playing the flute, and speaking Spanish while learning about cultures other than my own.

Tutoring Subjects


Beginner Spanish (Grades 2-3)

Beginner Spanish (Grades 4-5)

Beginner Spanish (Grades 6-8)

Beginner Spanish (Grades K-1)

Beginner Spanish for Adults

Conversational Spanish

Conversational Spanish for Adults

Introduction to Spanish (Grades 2-3)

Introduction to Spanish (Grades 4-5)

Introduction to Spanish (Grades 6-8)

Introduction to Spanish (Grades K-1)

Introduction to Spanish for Adults

Introduction to Spanish for Preschoolers




Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Visual Arts

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