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A photo of Tiffany, a tutor from University of Louisville


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Since a young age, I have always been passionate about sharing what I have learned with others. I have experience in teaching and tutoring in social work field education to Master's level students. The subjects range from social work ethics, LMSW test prep, case management, social justice policy and psychology 101. All subjects are my favorite to teach. In 2020, I graduated from the University of Louisville with my Master's of Science in Social Work with a Specialization in Military Social Work. In college, I showed an interest in these particular subjects, since I knew that I would be applying what I have learned in my future career as a social worker. While in college, I have learned that everyone has their own way of learning and processing knowledge. I work with all four different types of learning styles: visual, auditory, kinetic, and reading/writing. I make learning fun and interesting by giving examples of how to apply what is learned to real life. Cramming or rushing to learn a subject is not always wise. You will feel motivated to learn when you have someone who will work with you at your own pace, I am great at doing that! Outside of academia, I love to read, travel when I can, and most importantly spending time with my loved ones and pets.

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Tiffany’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Louisville - Bachelor of Science, Social Work

Graduate Degree: University of Louisville - Master of Social Work, Social Work


I enjoy learning new things, reading, and spending time with loved ones. My interest is teaching, hopefully one day I will fulfill that goal.

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

Elementary School Science


LMSW - Licensed Master Social Worker

Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Professional Certifications





Social Sciences

Social Work


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