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A photo of Sharon, a tutor from Arizona State University


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I am a scientist and registered dietitian (RD) with more than a decade of experience helping students achieve their learning goals through one-on-one and group instruction.

I hold a graduate degree in Human Nutrition and have extensive experience as an instructor for various STEM courses such as nutrition, chemistry, biology, and statistics. I also have extensive experience with scientific and technical writing for theses and manuscript publications.

Additionally, as a longtime practicing RD I am also highly qualified to assist future dietitians with the CDR exam.

I strive to be an open and communicative tutor who utilizes an individualized approach for each learner.

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Sharon’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Arizona State University - Bachelor of Science, Human Nutrition

Graduate Degree: Arizona State University - Master of Science, Human Nutrition

Graduate Degree: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Doctor of Philosophy, Human Nutrition


I enjoy reading, cooking, and hanging out with my family and pets.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Research


CDR Exam - Cardiovascular Disease Recertification Exam


High School English



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Molecular Biology




Professional Certifications

RD - Registered Dietician Exam


SPSS Statistic Software

Statistics Graduate Level

Technical Writing

Technology and Coding

Thesis Writing


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