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A photo of Allison, a tutor from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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My goal is to help students grasp complex concepts by using relatable examples. Patience and simplicity can help anyone reach their learning goals! I've been a CPA for seven years, and currently work as a finance manager. My specialties are CPA-related topics and MS Excel (Office Suite).

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Allison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Management

Graduate Degree: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Master of Science, Accounting


Outside of tutoring, I enjoy golfing, woodworking, and reviewing nail polish on YouTube!

Tutoring Subjects




CPA AUD - CPA Attestation and Auditing

CPA BEC - CPA Business Environment and Concepts

CPA FAR - CPA Financial Accounting and Reporting

CPA REG - CPA Regulation


High School Accounting

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office


Professional Certifications

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