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A photo of Madison, a tutor from Blackburn College


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I graduated from Blackburn College with my Bachelor of Arts in Biology with a focus on pre-health professions, minoring in Chemistry. My goal was to pursue a role in direct patient care before entering a graduate program to become a Physician Assistant. Upon graduating I began reflecting on what would truly fulfill me, this led me to take a step back from healthcare to explore various graduate programs surrounding biology and my love for English and writing. I may end up in research, fieldwork, or writing articles, the possibilities are endless! I began peer tutoring when I was earning my Associate's degree and fell in love with that student-tutor connection. I was not always proficient in school until I reached the collegiate level. My tutoring began at my Community College thus I was blessed with the opportunity to work with a range of students, starting with various ages, education levels, and differing learning styles. Helping a student reach an understanding of a subject or concept they previously struggled with is greatly rewarding. While I am most comfortable within the disciplines of Biology, focusing on Zoology, Cell Biology, and Human Anatomy & Physiology, my tutoring roots began with English, Literature, and Composition. I truly believe that there is no concept or subject that cannot be tackled by a student as long as they have the right resources, support and that their specific learning style(s) are of great focus. When I am not working I love spending my time in nature and around any animals, namely my dog Lincoln who is my best friend!

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Madison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Blackburn College - Bachelor in Arts, Biology, General


I love hiking, camping, kayaking, and all things outdoors! Whether inside or outside, I adore reading and playing with my dog Lincoln.

Tutoring Subjects



Cell Biology

College Application Essays

Creative Writing


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing




Molecular Biology


Public Speaking



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