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A photo of James, a tutor from University of North Texas


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James D. Cunico has held the principal euphonium position with the United States Army Band in Georgia since 2016. He is a passionate Music Educator that has taught band with all age groups in New York, Texas, Georgia, and Florida helping hundreds of students achieve superior ratings in All-State, Region, and District competitions and festivals. Many of his students have gone on to play music in some of the most prestigious schools in the nation, won top solo competitions, and represented in all the service branches in the military. He is in high demand as a soloist, clinician, conductor, and composer holding two degrees in Music Education and Music Performance from the University of North Texas. He is a certified teacher with a Standard EC-12 Certification. Sign up today for lessons, master classes, clinics, and more! It is his hope to prepare you to meet all your music goals in a fun and engaging learning environment whether it be writing a new song, improving your instrumental performance, learning music theory, gaining supplemental history knowledge, or winning a new competition or entrance exam you've had your eyes on!

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James’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of North Texas - Bachelor of Education, Music Teacher Education


James D. Cunico's hobbies include playing and conducting with Savannah Winds, guest soloing with many University Bands, composing for local band programs, giving lessons to students, masterclasses, assisting with marching band programs, and maintaining public outreach programs for music in the schools.

Tutoring Subjects

Arrangement and Composition

Audition Prep

Bass Clarinet

Bass Trombone




Drum and Percussion


French Horn


Music Theory






Vocal Training

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