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A photo of Elena, a tutor from Chapman University


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Hello, my name is Leni and I would love to be your tutor! My family is originally from Spain but I was raised in California and now live in Portland, Oregon. I teach in Elementary, Middle and High Schools and have a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Development. I am TESOL and TOEFL-Certified and am currently in the process of obtaining a TOEFL for Business Teaching Certificate as well as a STEM learning certificate. I am a licensed ABA therapist for students with advanced learning and behavioral difficulties. I also privately tutor multiple subjects such as English, Reading, ESL and Multisensory Math. Although I like to have fun, I take my job as a learning instructor very seriously. My job is to make sure every single student feels comfortable and confident while learning! I hope to see you in the classroom!

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Elena’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Chapman University - Bachelor in Arts, Early Childhood Education


If I could, I would read ALL DAY but since that's not a realistic option, I like to explore as much as possible with my family. Either by going for walks with my dog or just out being in nature. I also enjoy baking and playing/watching sports. I am always up for a good adventure!

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Writing


Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax


High School English


Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



SAT Reading

SAT Reading Prep Course

Test Prep


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