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Hello Students! My furry professors and I are eager to help you have fun while you learn. I have a Masters in Education and have been teaching through my own business and online making learning practical, engaging and fun for two decades . I bet you have things to teach me too! Give me a woof, and let's get this educational party started.

With kindness,
Teacher Shannon, Mayor Puppypants, Captain Jack, Dr, Kermit and Coach Grover (Our family picture was too tiny to post, so you can use your imagination as to what they look like, until you see for yourself)

If you'd like more information on my background, visit JustHumorMe.com (humor and creativity programs for adults and kids ) & ShannonSpring.com (animal communication)

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Shannon’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Boston College - Bachelor in Arts, Human Development and Family Studies

Graduate Degree: The Citadel - Masters in Education, Education


Animals, Comedy, Nature, Theatre, Games, Reading, Cupcakes

Tutoring Subjects




Creative Writing

Elementary School

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing



High School Writing


Middle School

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Performing Arts

Public Speaking


Social Sciences

Spelling, Grammar, and Writing Skills Class



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