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A photo of Abdallah, a tutor from George Mason University


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I am a junior studying Government and International Politics at George Mason University. I have considerable experience in teaching and tutoring others. Since early high school, I have tutored a wide range of ages and topics - from children learning science to freshmen in English 101. My teaching style focuses on coveying information in an engaging way. Much of the content, like history and politics, can sometimes be daunting - with dates, names, and events that are seemingly endless - and I craft my teaching to flow from one topic to another.

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Abdallah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: George Mason University - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government


I love reading just about anything I can get my hands on. While I don't do so as much, I enjoy playing video games occasionally. I also am very interested in politics, current events, and American history.

Tutoring Subjects


AP US History

AP World History

College Application Essays



Essay Editing


High School English

High School Government

High School Level American History

High School Writing



Social Studies


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