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A photo of Nathaniel, a tutor from University of Missouri-Columbia


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I am a writer who works extensively with historical documents and researcher who embraces learning for life. I love making a subject engaging, interesting and ultimately seeing others succeed in their endeavors.
After earning my Eagle Scout Rank, I directed a Cub Scout camp's Nature department. I created my own curriculum, structured around existing needs, that was educational, fun and that the campers said was really cool. In my spare time, I am either outdoors or in a museum.
I volunteer with the Smithsonian Institute and have transcribed handwritten historic documents ranging from Civil War Era Medical Documents to Tuskegee Airmen flight records.
I currently volunteer with the Heinz History Center as a National History Day Judge and critique written contest entries submitted by middle and high school students. The contest requires formulating a historical argument, researching information, interpreting primary and secondary sources and presenting significant written essay content. I ensure that my written responses to students are educational, geared to their understanding and ultimately help every student improve their critical thinking, historical research and writing skills.
I am a graduate of the University of Missouri. I earned a Master of Arts in History and a Bachelor of Arts in History, with minors in Art History and Political Science. As a member of the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy, an academic association that facilitates scholarly research and collaboration about U.S. and International Politics, Government and History, I served in multiple student roles as a fellow. I assisted with launching the institute's student published research journal and contributed an article. I earned a certificate in Constitutional Democracy jointly offered by the institute and the University of Missouri.
My Master's degree emphasis encompasses American History up to 1865 and I have two years of experience tutoring college students individually and in groups while serving as a teaching assistant. I provided additional instruction and assistance to students enrolled in professor led lecture courses. Among topics I covered in my sessions are understanding historical event significance, how to research and interpret published sources and instruction on developing, writing and editing papers or written work in History and other Political Science disciplines.

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Nathaniel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Missouri-Columbia - Bachelor in Arts, History

Graduate Degree: University of Missouri-Columbia - Master of Arts, History

Test Scores

ACT English: 31


American History European History Art Geocaching Hiking

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching

ACT Prep

ACT and SAT All-In-One Classes Prep

ACT Aspire

ACT English

ACT Math

ACT Reading

ACT Science

ACT Writing


African History

African-American History

Ancient and Medieval Heritage

AP Comparative Government and Politics

AP Psychology

AP Research

AP Seminar

British History

British Literature


Canadian History




CLEP American Government

CLEP American Literature

CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature

CLEP College Composition

CLEP History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present

CLEP Social Sciences and History

CLEP Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648

CLEP Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present

College and University Admissions

College Application Essays

College Business

College English

College Government

College Level American History

College Level American Literature

College Political Science

Creative Writing

Earth Science


Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

Expository Writing


High School Government

High School Political Science

High School World History

High School Writing



HSPT Quantitative

IB Business & Management

IB Economics

IB History

Latin America History


Microsoft Office

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Social Studies

Middle School Writing


Personal Finance

Political Science







SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Reading

SAT Subject Test in United States History

SAT Subject Tests Prep

SAT Writing and Language


Social Sciences

Social Studies



Spelling Bee

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

Thesis Writing

US Constitutional History

Viral Content Creation

Women's Studies

World Civilization

World Religions


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