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A photo of Christopher, a tutor from Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis


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As someone training to become a teacher, I've always had a passion for both learning and teaching. Growing up, basically everyone around me has said that they are either bad at math or they are just not capable of understanding it. I really want to change that, and part of that starts with experience. My goal is to start with personal tutoring in order to aid individuals with learning material, but I also want to learn how people learn and what methods help people the most. So I'm not just doing this to help students, I also wish to learn from this experience as well.

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Christopher’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics Teacher Education

Test Scores

ACT Science: 31


I don't have too many hobbies outside of music and cooking. I like to learn, but I wouldn't call it much of a hobby.

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