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A photo of Anna, a tutor from West Chester University of Pennsylvania


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You may call me a degree collector or an enthusiast of learning. With two Masters' degrees, two undergraduate degrees, and two minors, I studied everything from Russian, Spanish, and Philosophy to Physics and Space Science.
My drive to uncover the unknown and zeal for problem-solving proved to be useful in the airspace, oil and gas, and real estate industries where I've worked for more than 13 years.
Nothing in my career, however, has been as gratifying as helping students connect the dots. In my extensive work as a math and physics tutor for high school and university students, I have always followed three simple steps:
1. identify what the student does not know
2. figure out what they know
3. help them close the knowledge/understanding gap.
In explanations of concepts, I strive to bring the abstract to reality for my students. When we are solving problems, I rarely give my students straight answers. I guide them so they can arrive at the answers by themselves or I point them to where they may find clues.
I love seeing "the wheels starting to turn." This is how my students gain confidence in their abilities.
My ultimate goal is to model for my students studying skills so that they can eventually handle their learning by themselves. Yes! My goal is for the students NOT to need me. Because independent learning is king and problem-solving skills are gold in real life!
My students always master much more than the subject they needed help with.

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Anna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: West Chester University of Pennsylvania - Bachelor of Science, Physics

Graduate Degree: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach - Master of Science, Engineering Physics


healthy living, yoga, investing, real estate, space science, foreign languages, math, aviation

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