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A photo of Jacob, a tutor from University of Nevada-Las Vegas


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I was born and raised here in Las Vegas NV. In high school I was the guy who took math as an elective because I enjoyed the subject. I got a degree in Accounting from UNLV while studying guitar privately. I feel like many times a new concept can feel overwhelming because we are missing the connection to the simple ideas at the core. I don't think learning is about memorizing steps, but understanding why you take those steps.

I enjoy helping people understand how music and math work. I believe they are very connected. Breaking the more complex ideas down into simpler components is what I enjoy most about tutoring.

My favorite TV shows are animated comedies, I grew up on the Simpsons. I'm a terrible golfer, but I enjoy it so much that it doesn't matter.

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Jacob’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Nevada-Las Vegas - Bachelor of Science, Accounting and Business Management


Music. Guitar. Golf. Comedy

Tutoring Subjects

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