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A photo of Maruka, a tutor from The University of Alabama


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I am a graduate of The University of Alabama, Roll Tide! I received my Master's in Business Administration and my Bachelor of Science specializing in history and biology. Post-graduation, I work as a research analyst providing cutting edge insight for Global 2000 technology executives. As a first-generation grad, I value education as a pathway to upward mobility. I am a voracious learner who is passionate about sharing my love of learning with others. Specifically, I enjoy tutoring students in mathematics, reading and writing. I believe every student is innately curious and able to succeed if given the rights tools and strategies. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, watching sports, and spending time with family!

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Maruka’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Alabama - Bachelor of Science, History

Graduate Degree: The University of Alabama - Masters in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management

Test Scores

ACT English: 32

ACT Reading: 32


Reading; Travel; Watching Sports; Outdoor Adventure; Spending Time with my family and friends

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