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A photo of Paul, a tutor from Long Island University-Brooklyn Campus


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I am a licensed pharmacist in the US but had the opportunity to teach clinical pharmacy overseas {Japan and Thailand} to undergraduate and graduate students as university faculty. I was also an associate director of Department of Pharmacy in a 1000 bed private hospital in Japan for seven years, in charge of professional (pharmacists) and interprofessional (medical residents, nurses in medication use) learning. I also set up a residency program and provided bedside teaching. A valuable experience to allow me to grow in my career as a healthcare professional and teacher.
I am also Board Certified in Pharmacotherapy (BCPS) and Geriatric Pharmacy (BCGP). Recently I moved back to New York City and have been serving the community by educating and providing information to clients visiting the pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Preparing for the return of the virus, I still believe in excellent health care to people and am willing to help others with the same passion.

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Paul’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Long Island University-Brooklyn Campus - Bachelor of Science, Pharmacy

Graduate Degree: University of California-San Francisco - Pharmaceutical Chemist, Pharmacy


travel, languages, history, reading (online)

Tutoring Subjects






Professional Certifications

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