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A photo of Rafia, a tutor from Kentucky State University


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I am Rafia, an Austin based freelance photographer with a love for teaching. I have been an ESL Teacher for about 2 years and a home based tutor for 6 years. I have a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, and still learning everyday. I believe education is vital for us to grow and move ahead in life, it increases your curiosity and problem solving skills. I love teaching Math, English, Science and Computer Science.
I love to travel, sightseeing, checkout local museums and read interesting new articles related to science and discovery. In my class we think outside the box and have fun while learning!

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Rafia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Kentucky State University - Bachelor of Science, Computer Science


Listening to music, working out, movies

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Basic Computer Literacy

College Physics

Elementary School

Elementary School Math



High School Physics





Technology and Coding

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