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A photo of Bethlehem, a tutor from University of California-Los Angeles


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Hello! I am Bethlehem or Betty for short. I'm super excited to help you tackle your studies on your journey to become an independent and passionate scholar in education. I'm a Biology grad from UCLA and love to teach others Health and STEM classes. I have both informal and formal teaching credentials--- I was a substitute teacher in California for almost 2 years and taught in mainly special education/ math/ science/ english classes . I've been a group and 1-on-1 tutor for high school math courses including Algebra I and II.

I enjoy working with students from all education levels and start each session by asking which goals the student would like assistance with that day. My role for the session is a supportive one and I pride myself in being a patient, understanding, and encouraging teacher. At the end of each session, we can work on any additional questions and set goals for future sessions.

I look forward to getting to know you and helping you with your studies!

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Bethlehem’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of California-Los Angeles - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1410

SAT Writing: 720


Reading fiction; Singing Acapella; Photography and Editing

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching


Adult Literacy


AP Chemistry

AP Research

Basic Computer Literacy



Clinical Psychology

College Application Essays

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing



Essay Editing

GED Prep

GED Reasoning Through Language Arts

GED Social Studies


High School Writing

IB Computer Science

IB Psychology


Microsoft Office

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing





PSAT Writing Skills


Public Speaking



Social Networking

Social Sciences

Special Education

Sports, Exercise and Health Science

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

Test Prep


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