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A photo of Tzivia, a tutor from University of Illinois at Chicago


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A friendly, warm, understanding mathematician. I love working with students and finding the best ways to help them understand something they struggle with or dislike. I find it very rewarding to be able to share my love of mathematics with others. I am a great communicator and can quickly adapt to different students' needs. Finding out how a student learns material best is a necessary and particular skill of mine. I have worked with teenagers outside of mathematics as well and have a great ability to connect with them on a personal level. As someone currently studying math in university, I understand how important it is to know the material in multiple ways and be able to work through it with someone. These skills and passions of mine are what make me a great tutor.

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Tzivia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Illinois at Chicago - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics


Recreational Math, Tolkien, Video Games, Jewish Studies, Hiking, Musicals, Linguistics

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