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A photo of Patrycja, a tutor from Western Illinois University


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My name is Patrycja and I am currently studying education at Western Illinois University. Teaching is a passion of mine, I love being able to see how much I have helped students. During high school, I was an active member of the Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois for 7 years. My Girl Scout troop and I volunteered in many animal shelters, disabled children homes, and nursing homes. Volunteering at these places were some of the best times during my high school years. I look forward to being able to teach students in the near future and making a positive impact on their lives.

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Patrycja’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Western Illinois University - Bachelor of Fine Arts, Music Teacher Education


My interests and hobbies include playing clarinet, saxophone, and trombone. I also enjoy drawing and painting as well as running.

Tutoring Subjects


AP Music Theory


College Math

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


High School Writing



Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Science


Music Theory






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