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A photo of Susan, a tutor from Syracuse University


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After living in Maine for many years, I recently relocated to Florida to be near family and enjoy the warm sunshine. Teaching has always been close to my heart. When my boys were very young I was a tutor for adults struggling with reading and then decided to teach full time. I taught 3rd through 7th grade and especially love teaching reading and science. I have also worked for Scholastic as a reading consultant and have been a private tutor for many years. I currently work as a trainer for a software company and find that I miss the interaction with students.

I earned by bachelor's degree from Syracuse University and a Master of Literacy from the University of Southern Maine.

I believe that no matter what employment opportunities present themselves to me, I will always find a way to work with students. Currently, I look forward to my tutoring sessions every week despite working a full time job. It is a highlight of me week.

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Susan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Syracuse University - Bachelor in Arts, City, Community, and Regional Planning

Graduate Degree: University of Southern Maine - Master of Science, Language Arts Teacher Education


Paddleboarding, reading, cooking, hiking, running and making art from sea glass.

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

Elementary School

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Public Speaking

Spelling Bee


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