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A photo of Shivani, a tutor from University of California-Berkeley


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I first discovered tutoring when I became an undergraduate student intern for a Biology lab class and the helpful guidance of a lab mentor who was incredibly kind, funny, patient, and understanding. Although I have tutored in the past, this experience was my first in which I truly engaged with people, and I found that I learned from my students while also teaching them. It was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done and I would love to continue doing it in the future!

Outside of tutoring, I dance Bharatnatyam, sing in a choir, play violin, and read books. My interests vary with the seasons, but the two loves of my life are Biology and English. Science has always been my passion, and as such I work in two biology labs at UC Berkeley and volunteer for UCSF and the Hospice at Sutter Care at Home. While it is unquestionably what I want to spend my life doing, I do love all kinds of literature, from Jane Austen to J.R.R. Tolkien to Lauren Hillenbrand. Therefore, I run a task force at Berkeley that is dedicated to telling the stories and experiences of the pre-med community on campus.

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Shivani’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of California-Berkeley - Bachelor in Arts, Cellular and Molecular Biology

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1580

SAT Math: 800

SAT Verbal: 740

SAT Writing: 800


Reading, dance, singing

Tutoring Subjects

American Literature

Anatomy & Physiology

AP Biology


College English

College Level American Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School Biology

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing

Middle School Writing

Public Speaking

SAT Reading

SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Test Prep

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