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A photo of Jason, a tutor from UW-Madison


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I earned my Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from the UW-Madison, before moving to Minnesota to go to graduate school and study molecular evolution. For the last 12 years however I have been a middle and high school teacher. I have taught a large variety of subjects in that time though chemistry (all levels) and genetics are my favorite. I prefer to begin tutoring with a new student by asking a lot of questions to help me identify the key reasons for their struggles. Depending on the nature of their struggles I will then craft very guided practice or more fluid question and answer sessions.

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Jason’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: UW-Madison - Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry

Graduate Degree: Hamline University - Master of Arts Teaching, Chemistry Teacher Education


RPGs, Baseball, Football, MMA

Tutoring Subjects

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