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My name is Jerry and I am currently a Manager of Strategy & Logistics with DC Public Schools. Prior to this position, I worked for 5+ years as a financial analyst at Fannie Mae. Through work at both organizations (in addition to receiving a Bachelor and Masters of Business Administration from Howard University and the University of Maryland, respectively), I have become very well versed in topics related to business, finance, accounting, and economics. I enjoy every opportunity I have to relay my interests in these areas and show that learning about these topics will help students both in school and in everyday life. I have worked as a tutor for Smarthinking (a Pearson company) and Wyzant, and I am excited to bring my expert knowledge to the students here at Varsity Tutors!

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Jerry’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Howard University - Bachelor in Business Administration, Finance

Graduate Degree: University of Maryland-College Park - Masters in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management


Listening to music, writing, watching/playing sports, reading Yahoo! Finance articles, binge watching shows on Netflix...oh, and of course, tutoring!

Tutoring Subjects


College Business

College Economics

Cost Accounting


Financial Accounting

High School Business

High School Economics

Intermediate Accounting



Managerial Accounting

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