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A photo of Taylor, a tutor from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


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My passion for biology began at a very young age, when I likely had no clue what a cell even was. At age 6, I dressed as my then dream profession--a veterinarian. Over the past few years, I have been pursuing a biology major in large part due to my strong passion for animals. Recently, however, I have considered different career paths such as pharmacy due to my new found enjoyment in chemistry, but I continue to study and love the field of biology.

As for helping others with understanding concepts in this field, I feel confident in my abilities to thoroughly explain and illustrate difficult topics through breaking them down into simple, comprehensible parts. I know how it feels to feel defeated by a topic or subject at hand, but I strongly believe these obstacles can be overcome no matter how overwhelming they may seem.

In my free time, I enjoy learning about and practicing videography and photography. I enjoy making short films and taking pictures with and of my friends and family. I also enjoy playing tennis, as well as the the string bass.

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Taylor’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General


filmmaking, photography, music, tennis

Tutoring Subjects

AP Biology


College Biology


High School Biology


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