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A photo of Hanna, a tutor from Vanderbilt University


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I've been tutoring for the past several years, first with the Princeton Review, then as a volunteer in underserved high schools, and most recently to other college students. I have bachelors degrees in Chemistry (with Highest Honors) and Spanish, and I'll be attending a Top 20 chemistry graduate program in the fall.

I love working with students, and seeing the progress they can make, whether it be over a semester or a session. It's like a light flips on in their head when they understand a new concept. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'd love to work with you!

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Hanna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Vanderbilt University - Bachelor in Arts, Chemistry

Graduate Degree: University of Pennsylvania - Doctor of Philosophy, Chemistry

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 34

ACT English: 31

ACT Math: 35

ACT Reading: 35

ACT Science: 35

GRE: 328

GRE Quantitative: 169

GRE Verbal: 159


Crafting, Cooking, Travelling

Tutoring Subjects


College Chemistry


Spanish 1

Spanish 2

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