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A photo of Robert, a tutor from University of Central Florida


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I'm currently a practicing electrical engineer, and I specialize in radio frequency engineering and work heavily with cellular network deployments. I have a daughter in high school in PISD that I tutor through science and math, and have just finished helping my wife through the College Algebra course at Collin College. As an engineer, I've taken and use higher math courses such as calculus and differential equations, but what I found is algebra is special because it's the first exposure that new students get to what math really is, outside of just adding and subtracting. One of the common pitfalls that new students get stuck on is where this is used and why they are learning it, especially if they aren't naturally inclined towards the sciences. I try to provide examples of where these topics are used in the real world so student's can get excited about having a "big picture" view of math from the very beginning.

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Robert’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Central Florida - Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering


I spend most of the work day in front of a computer screen, so in my spare time I try to avoid them. You can usually find me outside working in my vegetable garden or taking my 3 year old daughter to the park.

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