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A photo of Taylor, a tutor from Westminster College


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I'm a senior in college, and I've been teaching students regularly for a few years now. I'm a double major in English and Music, so these are my specialties, but I'm also well versed in math and French, and because I'm heading off to law school next year, I've spent a lot of time on test prep and helping others with the same. I love learning, I love the process of figuring out how to make things click in my own mind, so when I know a subject inside-and-out, I love to help make it click for students who also want to learn.

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Taylor’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Westminster College - Bachelor of Fine Arts, English

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1480

LSAT: 166


Comic books, taekwondo, sword fighting, composing music

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

AP Music Theory

College English



English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

Graduate Test Prep


High School English

High School Writing


LSAT Analytical Reasoning

LSAT Argumentative Writing

LSAT Logical Reasoning


Music Theory


SAT Prep


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