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A photo of Maggie, a tutor from University of Chicago


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I first discovered tutoring in high school when I worked as a peer mentor for freshmen, helping them with geometry and physics while developing studying and test-taking techniques to help them gain confidence and comfort with learning the material. This position was tutoring + mentoring, and I have carried that mentality and teaching philosophy into all my classroom and tutoring work since. In my 4 years of tutoring, I have gained deeper understanding of the diverse and intricate ways in which people learn. I have also developed my own abilities to inspire enthusiasm, build confidence, and help students grow as independent thinkers.

Outside of tutoring, I am a student at the University of Chicago majoring in mathematics & comparative human development. I sing in an acapella group, play violin, and on weekends I love to go for bike rides or long runs, see local theater and music performances, and explore the city of Chicago. Through my studies and bike rides and runs, I enjoy working hard and building personalized, step-by-step plans for pursuing the goals I set. Nonetheless, I also believe in the importance of having fun and finding enjoyment in my day-to-day life, which I do through music and geographic exploration. I believe that this enthusiasm, curiosity, and steady work ethic are the keys to achieving goals once thought impossible, and I hope to inspire such a mindset in the people with whom I work.

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Maggie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Chicago - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics

Undergraduate Degree: University of Chicago - Bachelor in Arts, Human Development and Family Studies

Test Scores

SAT Math: 770

SAT Verbal: 800

SAT Writing: 760


hiking, biking, art museums, and singing (choral, acapella, theater, you name it!)

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

AP Physics 2


Elementary School Math

High School Physics


Middle School Math

Middle School Science





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