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A photo of Luisa, a tutor from Florida State University


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I am a graduate of Florida State University and hold a Bachelor's in English. I was born and raised in Miami, Florida. At home, we always spoke in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, and my love of language has only grown stronger since then. I mainly specialize in creative writing, research papers, or essay writing. You may check out some of my writing samples in Teen Ink's book, Bullying Under Attack (a compilation of nonfiction essays in a campaign against school bullying), and A Quiet Courage, an online poetry magazine. I've also been published in The Kudzu Review, Florida State's undergraduate literary journal, and have been a volunteer editor in a previous edition.

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Luisa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida State University - Bachelor in Arts, Creative Writing

Undergraduate Degree: Florida State University - Bachelor in Arts, Sociology


jiujitsu, poetry, art

Tutoring Subjects

AP Spanish Literature and Culture

College English

Conversational Spanish

Creative Writing


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing


Middle School Writing


Spanish 1


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