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I began my career in tutoring as a peer tutor for an introductory biology course at my alma mater, Belmont University. This experience introduced me to a love for environmental education and hands on teaching, and it has encouraged me to continue work in this field. Since then, I have contributed to the environmental education programs at Warner Park Nature Center in Nashville and accepted a position in the fall as a graduate teaching assistant at Austin Peay State University, and I am excited to continue working with students through Varsity Tutors! My areas of expertise are algebra, geometry, environmental science, ecology, and organismal biology.

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Sandra’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Belmont University - Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science

Graduate Degree: Austin Peay State University - Master of Science, Biology, General


Nature, insects, ecology, hiking, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, camping, traveling

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

AP Environmental Science


College Biology


Environmental Science



Middle School Math

Middle School Science




Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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