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A photo of Aaron, a tutor from University of Michigan-Dearborn


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I received my education with the University of Michigan for my undergraduate degree of Biology with a Minor in German and four years later I completed a Masters degree in Cancer Chemical Biology with Rackham Graduate School in Ann Arbor. I am currently working towards a Doctoral Degree within the realms of Cancer Research.

However, before I undertook the graduate school lifestyle, I was an English Teacher in Japan teaching kids from ages 7 to 15. It was here where I discovered that I have a latent talent for teaching. Since coming back, I have been wanting to teach once again but within the realms of my own interests; Science and Languages.

Specifically I have had immense studies within the fields of Immunology, Virology, Microbiology and recently Research Sciences. To the languages I studied Spanish, German and Japanese.

My favorite subjects to teach would have to be Science and Languages. My teaching philosophy and style is a bit different than most conventional teaching. Depending on the student I will bring the material to "their world" and try to bring parallels to how their own personal interests can correlate or help describe the subject at hand.

Additionally my main goal is not to teach but to help lead to understanding. If the student truly understands the material at hand the brute force method of pure memorization is not needed.

Outside of Academia, I have an interest within video games, nature and the Japanese martial art Aikido. An unusual combination yet, it is through them which enable me to react appropriately to any situation with a calm and curious demeanor in problem solving.

To students who are considering my mentorship, I personally guarantee that I will try my best to help you understand and in the event that I do not know the answer I will be sure to follow up on any questions that I cannot answer at that time.

The pursuit of knowledge is not an easy task, but I will make it my duty to make it as seamless as possible.

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Aaron’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Michigan-Dearborn - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - Master of Science, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Video games and aikido

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational German




German 1

German 2

German 3

German 4





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