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A photo of Hannah, a tutor from McGill University


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My name is Hannah and I would love to help out your family! I am a sophomore in college at McGill University and am studying Biology and Computer Science. I am passionate about science and would love to help kids who are struggling with it. I hope through tutoring I can help children find the love for learning that I have found. This is in the end the best motivation a child can have. I struggled a lot at the beginning of classes and know what it feels like when something doesn't click. I use this when I tutor and know to go slowly and diligently through everything. I have one year of professional experience in a tutoring center and have worked with children of all ages. I have training to teach anything from reading to Java programming. Tutors helped me through many classes and I would love to be able to do that for your child!

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Hannah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: McGill University - Bachelor of Science, Cognitive Science

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 34

ACT English: 36

ACT Math: 32

ACT Reading: 36


Reading, Camping,Traveling

Tutoring Subjects

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