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A photo of Chris, a tutor from Skidmore College


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I firmly believe that there's no such thing as an unsolvable problem. With the right approach and mindset, it's always doable - and my job is to help you get there!

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Chris’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Skidmore College - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology

Graduate Degree: American University - PhD in progress - Doctor of Philosophy, Experimental Psychology

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1400

GRE Quantitative: 158

GRE Verbal: 160


I am a PhD candidate in Behavior/Cognition/Neuroscience at American University. I am also an avid lover of all things musical: guitar playing, composition, etc. When not engaged in academia and music, I love to travel and play sports.

Tutoring Subjects


AP Statistics

College Application Essays

Elementary School Math


Essay Editing


GRE Analytical Writing



Middle School Math


Philosophical Ethics



SAT Reading

Spanish 1

Spanish 2


Statistics Graduate Level

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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