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A photo of Robert, a tutor from University of Maryland-College Park


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Throughout my education, I found it common that I would be approached to aid peers in helping to understand material being focusing on in class. In helping others, not only did I begin to understand the material better myself, but I also began to enhance the understanding of my own learning processes. I then became more capable in mirroring these processes in those that I aided. My true passion for tutoring began when I was formally approached to tutor my younger sister's friend who was struggling with algebra. I was a senior in high school, excited and intimidated at the prospect of someone's understanding and success becoming, in part, my responsibility. Her progression and eventual success in understanding algebra solidified my interest in tutoring. I find great satisfaction in helping others, and even greater satisfactions in enabling others to better help themselves. I am currently working towards a degree in engineering, most recently attending the University of Maryland, Clark School of Engineering as an out-of-state student originally hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I specialize in tutoring all ranges of mathematics. Math and the sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology have always been my strongest areas as a student. I believe my experience as a tutor and understanding of learning processes make me a capable and proficient tutor. My tutoring style is initially problem based. I believe the best way to gauge a student's capability in any subject is to provide questions that reveal the foundation and challenges of the subject being taught. In observing the student's approach to problem-solving and then providing active aid where helpful, I can find where the student is lacking in understanding. From this starting point, I then more directly teach to the issues in developing a complete and applicable understanding of the subject matter. Beyond academia, my main passion has always been athletics. I have played many sports during my amateur career with my longest and most active participation in Ice Hockey. I played in the PAHL for 11 years, the PIHL for 4 years, and the ACHA for 3 years while attending the University of Maryland. I love following the NFL and the NHL. My apologies to the local fanbases, but the Penguins and the Steelers have always been my favorite teams to root for! Outside of athletics I also have a strong interest in all types of games; board, card, and otherwise. I enjoy game theory and have recently developed a passion for chess. I look forward to working with your student and developing their confidence in the subject matter at hand, while growing their ability to better help themself!

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Robert’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Maryland-College Park - Current Undergrad Student, Mechanical Engineering

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1520

SAT Math: 770

SAT Verbal: 740

SAT Writing: 710


Ice Hockey, Chess, Running

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

AP Physics 1

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


High School English

High School Physics

High School Writing


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing




Public Speaking


Special Relativity

Spelling Bee

Technology and Coding


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