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A photo of Alexander, a tutor from Clarkson University


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I am a well-educated college graduate who had a double major in Mechanical Engineering and Physics. I also took enough credits to receive a minor in Mathematics. I was always proficient at math and physics, and have experience as a tutor and a teacher's assistant, I have been told I am a talented teacher. I am well versed in physics at the high school and college level, as well as math from Calculus 1-3 to Differential Equations.

I currently work as a product manager for an online retailer that sells aerial video drones and equipment. In my free time I play fingerstyle acoustic guitar (self-taught), and I also offer guitar lessons if you are interested! Learn the songs YOU want to learn, I will help you!

I look forward to working with you!

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Alexander’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Clarkson University - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering


Acoustic guitar, movies, video games, ultimate frisbee

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Writing


Algebra 2


Calculus 2

College Application Essays

College Math

College Physics

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

GED Prep

GED Math




Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Math







Special & General Relativity


Technical Writing

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

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