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A photo of Aubrey, a tutor from University of North Carolina at Charlotte


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I have a B.A. in Chemistry and Philosophy from UNCC; confusing combination, I know. I've also completed two years of post baccalaureate work in graduate level Biology. I aim to go to medical school and will be taking the MCAT in June. Needless to say, I'm a huge science fanatic and would love to share both my passion and knowledge with you.

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Aubrey’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Bachelor of Chemistry, Chemistry


Flying planes, watching movies and bingeing new tv shows

Tutoring Subjects

AP Biology

AP Chemistry


Cell Biology


College Biology

College Chemistry

Elementary School Science


High School Biology

High School Chemistry

High School Physics

IB Biology

IB Chemistry




Middle School Science




Social Sciences

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