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A photo of Patric, a tutor from CUNY New York City College of Technology


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Hi. My name is Patric Morris and I chose to join the talented staff of Varsity Tutors. I am an attorney who has spent 17 years teaching World Geography, World History and American History to middle grades students. I have always liked this 'love it or hate it' subject, but my fascination was kindled by an American History class I took in college. There I learned how to connect the past with the present and the importance of causual relationships between events of the past and current conditions.

I love music (I DJ) and basketball. I played in college and coached in North Carolina. I am married and have three children and three grand children. I am new to Florida and hope to make this state home for years to come.

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Patric’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: CUNY New York City College of Technology - Bachelor in Arts, History


sports, movies

Tutoring Subjects


High School Level American History

High School World History



Social Studies

World History

World Religions

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