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A photo of Amy, a tutor from Austin College


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Last December, I received my Master's Degree in Physics from Rice University. I graduated Austin College in 2015 with a triple major in Physics, Math, and Theatre, and a minor in Classical Civilizations. I have tutored physics both one-on-one and as a teaching assistant for a full class, in addition to answering lots of physics questions for friends and family. As of August 2016, I am a published author of A Space Dictionary for Kids: The Everything Guide for Kids who Love Space. I grew up with science, and try to share my excitement with anyone I come in contact with, student or not. Generally, I think the part of math and science that most people have the most trouble with is accepting that they can do it, and that math and science can be a lot of fun, if taught correctly.

When I have spare time, I read (mostly fantasy novels), play video games, and practice lightsaber fighting as part of my membership with Saberguild, a Star Wars charity lightsaber battle group. I currently own three lightsabers.

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Amy’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Austin College - Bachelors, Physics, Math, Theatre

Graduate Degree: Rice University - Masters, Physics


I enjoy many kinds of fantasy and science fiction, especially novels and video games.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Physics 2




College Physics

Graduate Test Prep

GRE Subject Test in Physics

GRE Subject Tests

High School Physics

LSAT Logical Reasoning




Special & General Relativity

Special Relativity

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