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Every student is different- just because the book says there is one way to solve a problem, does not mean it is the only way. I work with students to help them with the process of 'discovery' through questioning and experimentation. Ultimately, if I've done my job correctly, you won't need me at all!

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Tory’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: American University - Bachelors, Economics and Legal Institutions


Travel, photography, snowboarding, baseball, reading

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Elementary School Math


Essay Editing


High School English

High School Writing


Middle School Math

Middle School Writing



PSAT Mathematics

Public Speaking

SAT Prep

SAT Math

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

The student needs to celebrate the small victories. It does not matter the size of the progress being made as long as it is another step in the right direction.

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