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A photo of Shreyas, a tutor from University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus


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My goal is to not only teach students their respective subjects, but to provide them with a set of problem solving skills that will help them break down challenging material independently in the future.

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Shreyas’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus - Current Undergrad, Finance and Economics

Test Scores

ACT Reading: 33

SAT Writing: 710


Hobbies include reading and playing instruments, and

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

To ensure students find the best way to learn material so that the subject is no longer such a daunting task.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

Introduce myself, get information about the course, such as their past performance and what areas they need improvement on if they are aware, and try to understand their instructor's teaching methods. I would then use this information to develop a plan for the student.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

Teach them methods to break down challenging subject material so that after some practice they can do it on their own.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

I will not pressure them to get each answer right. It is more important that they understand what they did wrong.

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