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A photo of Shaghayegh, a tutor from Ecole de Cond France


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I graduated from fine art high school of Isfahan/Iran, then for further studies in 2007 I moved to France and I obtained my Bachelor Design of space from Cpndé school of Nancy.
After that I obtained my Master Interior architecture from Autograf school of Paris.
I have 2 years experiences of teaching french language and painting to the different ages.

I think teaching is kind of friendship relation between teacher and student, In nother words,when I teaching I dont feel I am teacher I think me and my student are two people which are trying to learn a new things to each other.

I am eager to teach french because I love this language.

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Shaghayegh’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Ecole de Cond France - Bachelors, Interior Architecture

Graduate Degree: AutografParisFrance - Masters, Interior Architecture


Painting, Dance, reading

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational French


French 1

French 2

French 3


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