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A photo of Zachary, a tutor from Rutgers University-New Brunswick


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I am a passionate, practiced teacher who wishes to help students reach their full potential. Using empathy and listening, I assess student needs and create a custom learning plan for each client. I hold a doctorate from Brandeis University and have taught in both high school and collegiate settings.

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Zachary’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Rutgers University-New Brunswick - Bachelors, History

Graduate Degree: Brandeis University - PHD, History

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1470

SAT Verbal: 750

SAT Writing: 750

GRE Verbal: 160


Writing, historical research

Tutoring Subjects


AP European History

AP U.S. Government & Politics

College English

College Geography

College Level American History

College World History


European History

Expository Writing

GED Prep

GED Reasoning Through Language Arts

GED Social Studies


High School English

High School Geography

High School Level American History

High School World History

High School Writing


IB History

Middle School Writing


Public Speaking

SAT Subject Test in United States History

SAT Subject Test in World History

SAT Subject Tests Prep

SAT Writing and Language

Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

World History

World Religions


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

My teaching philosophy is centered on listening and respect. I listen to student needs and instill in them the confidence to succeed.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

In my first session, I listen to what the student tells me he or she is having trouble with. I acknowledge any frustration or concerns the student might have. Then I build a structured plan to improve on student weaknesses.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

Students become independent learners by being encouraged to follow their passions. For example, I have used articles on basketball to improve student comprehension.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

I would acknowledge their frustration, but assure them that their problems will be solved through our course of study. I also try to make students laugh, as I think laughter is a great stress reliever.

If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?

If a student was having trouble understanding a concept, I would find something the student is excited about and use that to help push a lesson forward. For example, if it was a statistical problem, I might look at a baseball player's batting average to communicate the relationship between statistics and probability.

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