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Education has played a major role in life, shaping my understanding of complex patterns in human societies and also equipping me with the proper tools to chase my ambitions. I love learning. I understand that it is through developing new understandings, and sharing these understandings that we enrich people's lives. I have been blessed with the gift of intelligence, an endless drive for curiosity, and a strong desire to make a positive impact on our world. There is no better way for me to begin making an impact than to help people empower themselves by helping them learn new skills. Whether it is a student with ambitions to study at a German or French university, or an aspiring engineer looking to get through his quantitative coursework--a stepping stone to his dreams of being the next Gustav Eiffel or Steve Jobs--I would love nothing less than to help them achieve their goals. New concepts and skills, especially academic skills, have always come very easy to me. This enabled me in school to always lend an extra hand to my friends around me and to help them grow and understand school challenges, including how to solve math problems or to develop topic sentences and outlines for essays.

I love the process of relaying information to places and people who could use the extra push. This drive has given me particular long term aspirations. I want to develop a career centered around giving back to communities in need. I see myself in ten years managing my own nonprofit that helps young people in the developing world acquire tech and communication skills, like coding, english writing or data science, empowering them to pursue their own dreams. I was recently accepted to be a Math Fellow for a nonprofit organization called SAGA Innovations. At SAGA, I will be a full time tutor for early high school students studying in underprivileged spaces for the full 2016/2017 academic year. I am excited to have this opportunity, because I can use my love of learning to impact students in spaces that lack the necessary resources. Varsity Tutors is another stepping stone to complement this experience. The more exposure I get to mentoring different types of tutees, the stronger and more prepared I am to be a top tier mentor--a skill I will most definitely need for my long term goals. This is my primary drive to be a Varsity Tutor.

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Frederic’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Middlebury College - Bachelors, German Studies, Geography


Soccer, Music, Reading

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Math

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

African-American History


Algebra 2


College Algebra

College Economics

College Geography

College Math

Conversational French

Conversational German

Creative Writing



Elementary School

Elementary School Writing


Fiction Writing


French 1




German 1

High School Economics

High School English

High School Geography

High School Writing


Human Geography




Middle School

Middle School Writing



Social Studies

Social Work


Technology and Coding

Web Development

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