Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: Stony Brook University - Bachelors, English, Education, and Philosophy
Graduate Degree: Adelphi University - Masters, Literacy Birth- Grade 12
swimming, crossfit, and reading
AP English Literature and Composition
College English
Comparative Literature
High School English
Homework Support
What is your teaching philosophy?
It is my desire as an educator to help students grow to their full potential by instilling in them a love for learning, and encouraging them to become independent learners. I envision my students as being active participants and valued members of the classroom community, which is created through a mutual respect and appreciation for each other.
What might you do in a typical first session with a student?
I would use the first session with a student to get to know the student, as well as get to know areas of weakness that they need to improve. I would want to learn about the student's interests, as well as his or her goals as a learner. We would also generate a schedule and plan to reach that goal. A running record for reading and a writing sample would be collected so that I can clearly evaluate student needs.
How can you help a student become an independent learner?
The teaching of literacy needs to include a balance of reading and writing instruction that provides students with a variety of strategies that meet their diverse needs. Literacy instruction needs to be differentiated based on each individual student. In both the reading and writing processes, there should be a gradual release of responsibility from the educator to the students, until the students are independent readers and writers. Modeling the learning process is essential when helping students think independently.
How would you help a student stay motivated?
I would try to appeal to my student's interests by providing him or her with a choice of reading materials. I would also try to get to know my students and what genre(s) they enjoy reading, so that I can incorporate appealing texts into my instruction.
If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?
If a student has trouble mastering a concept or skill, I would try to approach the concept differently. I would also consider how this particular student learns. He might be a kinesthetic learner, or a verbal learner. It is important to understand how a student learns best. I also believe that modeling the reading/writing process for students is important when they are struggling to understand the process itself.
How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?
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How do you evaluate a student's needs?
I like to use an assessment to evaluate a student's literacy needs. This evaluation identifies specific needs and weaknesses in the areas or reading comprehension, fluency, decoding, and writing.