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A photo of Alethea, a tutor from Smith College


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She is an enthusiastic educator from Massachusetts. She graduated from Smith College in 2009. Since then, She has worked in a variety of positions ranging from teaching photography to high-risk youth, to developing technology workshops for blind and deaf customers at Apple, to working for higher education institutions, such as Harvard University. This summer she moved from Los Angeles back to the Boston area to pursue her Master's in Technology, Innovation, and Education at Harvard University. In addition to her experience with traditional subjects, she teaches yoga and has a passion for integrating technology into learning environments.

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Alethea’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Smith College - Bachelors, Psychology and a minor in Child Development and Education

Graduate Degree: The Graduate School of Education at Harvard University - Current Grad Student, Technology, Innovation, and Education

Test Scores

GRE Quantitative: 152

GRE Verbal: 150


Yoga, Photography, Art, Technology, Travel, Makerspaces, Maker Fair, all faires, dogs, cats, pigs, and the desire to learn everything I can about chocolate.

Tutoring Subjects


AP Studio Art: 2-D Design



Art History

College English

College Level American History

Comparative Literature

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


English Grammar and Syntax

High School English

High School Level American History


Homework Support



Middle School Math





Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization



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