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A photo of Christine, a tutor from Reed College


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As a tutor, I believe that students benefit from a variety of approaches, depending on their backgrounds, current situations and feelings about writing. I believe the most important part of tutoring is empowering the student to feel that he/she is capable of writing and reading well and correcting his/her own errors. I work hard on overcoming the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that many students experience when faced with writing.

I started teaching writing in 1987. Most recently, since 2005, I have taught beginning and advanced comp at Passaic County Community College, advised and tutored students in danger of failing college at Marymount, run the writing component of the CAP program at Pace University (a program which allows students who would not normally be accepted to have a year's probation, when their work needs to be brought up to college level), and taught freshman comp and advanced research classes at York-CUNY. I also piloted and designed a class for below college level writers at Rutgers University Graduate School of Social Work. In private tutoring through Sponsors for Educational Opportunity, I have worked with high school students with issues including ESL, Developmental Delays and emotional barriers.

Besides freshman comp, I have also taught advanced research and writing skills classes for all majors, and helped students prepare multi-media and new media presentations. I have worked with populations ranging from pre-GED to graduate level and am extremely flexible in my teaching approach. I have a BA, MA and PhD in English.

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Christine’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Reed College - Bachelors, English

Graduate Degree: Drew University - PHD, English

State Certified Teacher


I love gardening, writing, playing with my cats and going to zoos.

Tutoring Subjects

College English

College Essays

Comparative Literature

Creative Writing


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing

High School English


Poetry Writing



Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I believe every student is capable of success, given the right tools and encouragement.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

In the first session, we will talk about the student's goals, and, if I have time, I will do a few assessment exercises with him or her.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

One way to help the student become an independent learner is to wait when the student is thinking about an issue/problem and not rush in with the answer.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

Students can stay motivated if they work regularly on their writing and feel interested in what they are doing.

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