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A photo of Meredith, a tutor from College of William and Mary


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I am a current sophomore at the College of William and Mary, studying Hispanic Studies and Teaching English as a Second Language. I am an exceptionally, organized, driven, and passionate student. I have always had an interest in education. As a senior in high school I researched, wrote, and presented a twenty page research paper on the relationship between teacher education and the educational success of nations. Upon starting college, I got involved with a tutoring and mentoring program that works with local middle schools. I was given a group of four girls and spent all semester working with them on any subjects in which they or their teachers thought they needed extra support. I have learned critical teaching skills from working with my elementary-aged sister, who was recently diagnosed with a learning disability. From my work with her, I have a greater understanding of how to approach learning when working with students who struggle with a disability. My two most valuable skills are English and Spanish. As demonstrated by my test scores and chosen academic path, I excel in languages. After attending an academically challenging high school and studying currently at a liberal arts college, I have extensive experience in all aspects of both languages. In English, I have a firm foundation in the technical aspects of essay writing, vocabulary, and grammar, and as a voracious reader and writer myself, I understand the more intricate skills of style, tone, and voice. In Spanish, I have moved far beyond the basics of grammar and sentence structure to using the language in order to communicate and discuss complex ideas and theories in an academic setting. When it comes to my teaching style, I believe it is extremely important to get to know a student both personally and academically. Doing so helps make my job easier, and the student's experience more enjoyable. I tend to focus on breaking down a task into its simplest parts, so that I can see and explain to the student what they are doing well, and how to apply that success to areas that need work. I am a huge believer in organization and time management as crucial to educational success, and work with each student I tutor to learn those indispensable skills in order to help them feel more confident and in control of their education. In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, doing yoga, learning new languages, horseback riding, and spending time with friends.

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Meredith’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: College of William and Mary - Current Undergrad, Hispanic Studies

Test Scores

SAT Verbal: 730

SAT Writing: 700


Reading, Creative Writing, Art, Horseback Riding, Languages.

Tutoring Subjects

College English


Expository Writing

High School English

Homework Support



Persuasive Writing

Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I believe that we learn by teaching. I have spent most of my life learning by teaching others, which has cultivated in me a love of both learning and teaching. In my own teaching, I strive to form connections with students, make learning a rewarding experience, and work from a student's existing knowledge and success to attain their academic goals and build confidence.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

In a typical first session, I get to know the student, both personally and academically. I ask them to tell me about their academic history and goals. Then we work within the subject they are looking to improve in, breaking down each task or skill into smaller pieces to build upon, and talk about overarching strategies to foster their academic success, both in that subject and others. I always try to end a tutoring session, especially a difficult one, on a positive note.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

I believe in teaching students skills to help them succeed in all aspects of academics, not just the specific subject in which they are receiving help. This means working with students to help develop time management, organizational skills, and good study techniques that carry into all aspects of learning. I also believe that an important part of my role as a tutor is to help build a student's confidence to tackle academic challenges when on their own, helping them to be more driven, independent students.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

To help students stay motivated, I break tasks, skills, and goals down into manageable blocks and work through them methodically, so that they see their progress. I always praise accomplishment, specifically to give credit where credit is due. This is also where a personal connection with a student comes into play. Understanding a student's background and goals helps to motivate them to persevere when a task is difficult.

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