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A photo of Sindy, a tutor from SUNY at Binghamton


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I am a graduate student at City College where I am getting certified to teach ENL and 7-12 Math. I love working with students of all ages, and from a multitude of backgrounds. A few years ago, I lived in Istanbul, Turkey for a year and taught math & English to 1st and 2nd grade students. In my spare time I also tutored younger students and adults. I currently tutor a range of students from kindergarten to adults in math & reading and love tutoring more and more everyday. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, hiking, swimming, cooking and traveling.

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Sindy’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: SUNY at Binghamton - Bachelors, Mechanical Engineering

Graduate Degree: CUNY City College - Current Grad Student, TESOL Education


My hobbies include reading, yoga, hiking, camping, cooking & traveling

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