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A photo of Leanna, a tutor from Western Oregon University


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Everyone has the ability to learn. Finding the way to help people learn is my passion and talent! I received my first teaching certificate in 1990 from Western Oregon University and began teaching elementary school full time in 1992. While raising my 4 children, I substituted in grades PreK-12. I have experience tutoring basic skills in math and reading for ages 3-adult learners.

In 2014 I received my Master's degree in Education Information Technology from Western Oregon University. I am currently a part time technology teacher in grades K-5. Finding online activities to increase learning and motivation is a big part of my job and I have a collected a vast amount of free internet resources to help students achieve their learning goals.

The most effective way to tutor/teach/coach is to ask questions to help the learner think about the process needed to solve a problem or learn a skill. Relating the learning to student interests is important for motivation and understanding. For retention I find it helpful to have the student reflect on the skills they have learned by demonstrating their learning in a variety of ways.

Outside teaching, I enjoy singing, camping, walking, my family, and my two beagles. I am looking forward to hearing the interests and stories of my students while tutoring.

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Leanna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Western Oregon University - Bachelors, Elementary Education

Graduate Degree: Western Oregon University - Masters, Education Information Information Technology


Singing, Church, Cooking, Camping, Beagles, Quilting, Technology, Walking, Hiking, Crafting, Audio books, NPR podcasts, Reading

Tutoring Subjects

1st Grade

1st Grade Math

2nd Grade

2nd Grade Math

3rd Grade

3rd Grade Math

4th Grade

4th Grade Math

5th Grade

5th Grade Math

6th Grade Math

Elementary Math

Elementary School

Elementary School Math


Homework Support


Middle School Math


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Teaching effectively requires me to listen carefully to the learner and help guide them to achieve their learning goals.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

Introduce myself and ask questions about the learner's interests. Also do some diagnostics and goal setting specific to the learner's needs.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

Encouragement to discover on his/her own by asking questions, gently guiding, and presenting feedback in a positive manner.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

Positive feedback, variety in the presentation of learning tools, frequent questions, ample opportunity to think and persevere, reflection on what has been learned already, and clear goals for what is next.

If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?

Break it down, diagnose where the student is struggling most, and use a variety of activities to reinforce the skill or concept.

How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?

Have them read aloud, stop at frequent intervals to reflect on what the reading means, write about the reading, summarize orally, introduce and practice difficult vocabulary, and work on oral fluency.

What strategies have you found to be most successful when you start to work with a student?

Asking lots of questions and giving ample time for the student to think about it. Giving praise and encouragement when the student is putting forth effort. Redirecting if the student is distracted. Listening to the student carefully.

How would you help a student get excited/engaged with a subject that they are struggling in?

Try to find a variety of activities that interest the learner. Ask frequent questions. Listen to the student.

What techniques would you use to be sure that a student understands the material?

Frequent checks for understanding by asking the student to demonstrate their learning by teaching me the skill or concept.

How do you build a student's confidence in a subject?

Praise...praise...praise effort and each step toward reaching their learning goals. Emphasize and have them reflect on what they have learned frequently.

How do you evaluate a student's needs?

Ask the student what they struggle with. Look at samples of their recent work. Try to diagnose the specific areas the student is struggling with by watching them demonstrate the skill or concept.

How do you adapt your tutoring to the student's needs?

Know student experience, interests and abilities. Use a variety of formats for student learning (game based, oral, reading to them, storytelling, computers, paper and pencil, etc.).

What types of materials do you typically use during a tutoring session?

Video, games, text, images, audio, pencil, paper…

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