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A photo of Jacqueline, a tutor from The University of Tennessee


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I am a recent graduate of The University of Tennessee with a degree is Statistics. In my undergrad work I student taught and all of my electives were education based. This led to a passion for higher education and I now work in an Admission Office.

I began volunteer tutoring younger students in high school and have loved it every since. Being a unique learner, I understand that everyone doesn't learn the same and my tutoring reflects that! I personalize my style to be accommodating for each individual student. Furthermore, trying to make all the exercises as fun and interesting as possible. (I know everyone doesn't love Math as much as me!)

In my spare time, I like to read and explore the area. I'm also a huge bookworm.

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Jacqueline’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Tennessee - Bachelors, Statistics


Reading and Exploring the Area

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